2017 Annual Letter

The following letter was sent to Alumni in the fall of 2017.

Dear Alumni and Friends of the University of Washington CSO,

It’s been another great year for the CSO! Although our student President, Nyk, graduated last summer, we’ve kept growing with three new students attending our meetings, as well as the occasional visitor.

We’ve had many wonderful, healing meetings with many testimonies shared and discussions on topics such as dealing with political events through CS, handling impositions, and following God’s direction. We also hosted a Discover Bound Robotics workshop with a great turnout, put on by Rachel Demaree, a local high school student who we are happy to say will also be joining us as a UW freshmen next year.

We have a special anniversary coming up: Although it didn’t become a registered student organization at the UW until a few years later, it was during the latter half of 1917 when students of the UW first came together with the idea of starting a Christian Science Organization on campus. We are incredibly grateful for their work and all the fruit it has brought! You can read two historical sketches found in the CSO archives about these early students on our new website: https://christianscienceuw.wordpress.com. The documents go up until the late 60’s and tell of the great work and demonstrations that have gone into making the CSO prosper. Speaking of the new website, be sure to check it out and give us feedback!

I’ll be moving along next year, but the CSO will be in the very capable hands of Emily Odell as our new Office Manager and Resident. Emily is a fellow Principia graduate and Seattle native. We’re so grateful to have her here!

Nathan Blaisdell, Office Manager

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